The stakeholder meetings were organised in order to bring together all actors relevant to the development of career orientation within schools and to create a common vision. They were organised in a strategic way to derive usability objectives from research results and to gain commitment to usability in the education policy and practice. This ensured that all important factors that relate to the successful implementation of career orientation within schools were identified.
- At the initial meeting with stakeholders, the focus was on considering the possibilities of co operation in terms of formulation of approaches for the implementation of lifelong career guidance in primary and secondary education. Particular emphasis was placed on building an institutional commitment for all relevant actors to continuously improve the scope and the contents of lifelong career guidance within the Slovenian educational space.
The meeting was held on 8 October 2014 at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana.
- The aim of the second stakeholder meeting was to assess the professional relevance of recommendations developed within the scope of the project in regard to the integration of lifelong career guidance contents and activities into primary and secondary schools. Special attention was devoted to a discussion about the contribution of the foregoing project recommendations to the further development of the counselling services in the Slovenian educational space.
The meeting was held on 7 April 2015 as part of the second session of the Sectoral Development Group for Counselling in Schools and Halls of Residence at the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia.
- The third stakeholder meeting was devoted to examining the policy-related relevance of recommendations developed within the scope of the project in regard to the integration of lifelong career guidance contents and activities within the Slovenian educational space. The recommendations were specifically looked at in terms of the importance of intersectoral collaboration for an integrated and systemic regulation of this field.
The meeting was organised as part of the Meeting of the Expert Group for Lifelong Career Guidance and took place on 8 April 2015 at the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training.