The main aim of the scientific conference was to present the research results and proposed measures for successful career guidance within schools, and strengthening of students’ resilience by the most important experts in Slovenia in the field. At the scientific conference, the project members, together with experts and practitioners, shed light on the importance of lifelong career guidance from various theoretical, research and practical perspectives. In a joint discussion, different approaches to improving its implementation in the Slovenian educational space were highlighted. At the same time, the scientific conference raised awareness about ET 2020 and the importance of career orientation within schools and strengthening of students’ resilience within the Slovenian and EU context.
The scientific conference was organised on 23rd October 2014 in Ljubljana.
Introductory part
- Urška Štremfel: European and National Frameworks and Objectives of the Project “Creative Awareness Raising and Empowerment for Employability and Resiliency”
Part 1: Conceptual Aspects of Career Guidance
- Miha Lovšin: Theoretical Frameworks of Career Guidance for Pupils and Students
- Polona Kelava: From Professional Socialisation to Career Empowerment
- Igor Bijuklič: Empowerment as the Ability of Community Action
- Alenka Gril: Active Classes as Support to Childrenʼs and Adolescentsʼ Personal and Social Development for Empowerment on their Career Paths
Part 2: Approaches of Successful Career Guidance
- Nina Mesner: Transition from Vocational to Career Guidance from the Perspective of the Counselling Services in Primary and Lower-Secondary Education
- Tina Vršnik Perše: Empowering Teachers for Career Guidance of Children and Adolescents
- Tina Rutar Leban: Adults that have a (Significant) Impact on Children’s and Adolescents’ Career Paths
- Brigita Rupar: Implementing Career Guidance in the Curriculum of Primary and Secondary Schools
- Mojca Štraus: School Postcard – a Tool for Successful Career Guidance
- Tanja Bezić: From Planning to Evaluating the Implementation of Career Guidance at School Level
Conclusion of the conference