As part of a regional school parliament on the topic of Education and Career Guidance, which was held in the Municipality of Kranj on 25 March 2015, Miha Lovšin, MA, and Tadej Pugelj held a workshop/round-table discussion entitled “Help in Choosing a Profession”. Discussions took place together with the participating young people about various professions and factors that affect career choices and young people’s (in)decisiveness when it comes to planning their careers. Decision-making within the context of the choice of profession and career planning was illustrated with the decision-making factors, styles and approaches, and light was shed on these by providing examples from the participants’ everyday lives.
As part of the final conference of the CAREER project, a round-table discussion was held on 17 April 2015 at the Olimia Congress Centre in the Slovenian town of Podčetrtek. It was led by Miha Lovšin, MA, who discussed some topical issues about the challenges pertaining to the partnership approach and systemic organisation of youths’ career guidance together with the following guests:
- Majda Struc (Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth),
- Anton Meden (Slovenian Association of Parents’ Working Groups),
- Nives Počkar (Society of Headteachers of Upper-Secondary Schools, Short-Cycle Colleges and Halls of Residence of Slovenia),
- Andreja Sever (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia),
- Irena Kuntarič Hribar (The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities),
On 18 May 2015, the Trubar Literature House in Ljubljana hosted a presentation of the scientific monograph Career, Personal and Social Development of Young people: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges, wherein the project results are presented. The editors of the monograph presented the scientific monograph in an interview with the authors of individual chapters, whereby the main focus was on addressing the following questions: In what sense is it possible to talk about the complementarity of young people’s adjustments to the labour market, as well as their autonomous and responsible behaviour in contemporary society? In what way do contemporary theoretical discussions about lifelong career guidance shed light on the practice of Slovenian schools? What are the key messages of individual chapters of the monograph in regard to further development of lifelong career guidance policies within the Slovenian educational space?